Uses the ratio-of-uniforms method for simulating a standard Cauchy distribution.
number of observations.
Returns a numeric vector with the random deviates and an attribute ngen
with the required number of uniform generations.
nsim <- 10^4
rx <- rcauchy.rou(nsim)
hist(rx, breaks = "FD", freq = FALSE, main = "", xlim = c(-6, 6))
curve(dcauchy, add = TRUE)
ngen <- attr(rx, "ngen")
{cat("Number of generations = ", ngen)
cat("\nAveraged number of generations = ", ngen/nsim)
cat("\nRejection rate = ", 1-nsim/ngen,"\n")}
#> Number of generations = 12751
#> Averaged number of generations = 1.2751
#> Rejection rate = 0.2157478